Employee management software, monitoring, time, attendance |Apexsoft India

See unelevated some of the powerful benefits that you’ll get with Natural HR:


Apexsoft HR management software is affordable for organizations of any sizes. You will only pay for what you use, and the price will depend mostly on the number of employees you have. Employee Management Software is long-term contract and commitment, and you can scale up or lanugo the number of employees in the system, thus automatically adjusting the price you will be billed every month.

However, the user-friendly price is just a fraction of the real value that we offer:

Easy to use – Everything you need, under the hood
Our software initially wasn’t ripened and built for other businesses to use but was built for our own use to manage our employees (See our story here). Natural HR was created by understanding exactly what a Business needs to write their HR requirements, and we implemented all of our superior features by us experiencing many of the same challenges which you will squatter every day.

Data security

Employee Management Software  know your data security is vital to your business, and we made sure that all the components are in the right place when it comes to security:

All liaison and information sent and received with our HR management software is encrypted using 256 bit SSL encryption, which means your data is encrypted while it travels through the internet
State of the art ,secure.


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